Digital Literacy Pre-Conference

Join us for the National Writing Project Midwest Conference Pre-Con with Dr. Troy Hicks!

Schedule Overview:

9:00 – 11: 30 AM: With Literacy and Learning for All

As students move from novice to expert in a field of study, they must become familiar with vocabulary, patterns of thinking, and specific uses of language. They need to discern fake news from real news, identify an author’s claim, and build arguments. More than just integrating reading and writing strategies, we must invite students from diverse backgrounds to become fluent in what are now being labeled as disciplinary literacies, the spaces where content knowledge, literacy skills, and critical thinking all connect.

12:30 – 3:00 PM: Integrating C3WP Writing, Review, and Revision Practices with Writeable

In the writing process, students need timely and specific feedback on their work in order to move forward with substantive revision. Also, we must scaffold instruction to help students identify the criteria by which “good” writing is judged. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to Writable, a web-based platform for designing, personalizing, and facilitating the writing, review, and revision process that integrates with Google Docs and Classroom. Also, we will introduce a gallery of assignments aligned with the C3WP that are “classroom-ready.” Participants will also be given a 6-month subscription to Writable for use in their classrooms.

Cost: Full Day + Lunch $75  Registered for the NWP Midwest Conference? $50

Click here to register!